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Students Blame Sexual Immorality on Drunkenness

God gives his commands for our good. For example, God forbids drunkenness. Studies into drunkenness among college students provide a glimpse into the harm that comes to people who are intoxicated. Sharon Jayson writes:

Students in [researcher Laina Bay-Cheng's] studies described alcohol as emboldening and said it offers "liquid courage," a phrase other researchers also have cited.
Drinking allows young women to "act out being sexually assertive, carefree, liberated," she says, and can be an excuse for their sexual behavior.
"If you have sex, you're a slut, and if you don't, you're a prude—but drinking allows you to do both," she says. "You can go out, get drunk, have sex and the next day say, 'I'm still a good girl.'"
[One Ohio University student who was interviewed] says she has observed that sentiment on campus. "'I was drunk so I hooked up with that guy.' 'I was drunk so I missed my class this morning.' 'I was drunk so I got in a fight.' If it's something they're not proud of, it gives them an excuse."

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