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Sermon Illustrations about Achievement

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Find fresh sermon illustrations on Achievement to help bring your sermon to life.

Sir Edmund Hillary Overcomes Mount Everest

Failure does not shape you; the way you respond to failure shapes you. Sir Edmund Hillary made several unsuccessful attempts at scaling Mount Everest ...

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High School Quarterback Prizes Integrity Above Record

As seventeen-year-old Nate Hassis left the football field on Saturday, October 25, 2003, the senior quarterback at Springfield Southeast High School was ...

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Hemingway Found Pleasure Meaningless

Ernest Hemingway, born in 1899, was the epitome of the twentieth-century man. At age 25 he sipped champagne in Paris, and later had well-publicized game ...

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"The Two Towers": Desire to Live Courageously

In the film Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers, Sauron's dark forces begin to overcome peaceful Middle Earth. The hope for Middle Earth lies in the ...

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Beethoven Writes Great Music Though Deaf

Widely regarded as the greatest composer ever, Beethoven began losing his hearing at age 31 and was completely deaf 16 years later.

As he became more and ...

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Carried by Others

The Jewish poet and storyteller Noah ben Shea tells a parable that serves as a valuable reminder of the roles we play in life:

After a meal, some children ...

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John Wooden's Individual Achievement

Legendary basketball coach John Wooden turned 90 on October 14, 2000. The Wizard of Westwood led his UCLA men's basketball teams to ten national championships—seven ...

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Running toward Unseen Goal

United States runner Marla Runyon has been legally blind for 22 years. Even so, she competed in the 2000 Summer Olympic Games in Sydney, Australia. In ...

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Worldly Achievements Not Important

The late Henri Nouwen, a best-selling author and professor, recalls his first days at L'Arche, a community for the mentally and physically disabled, ...

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A Life of Quiet Confidence

Your purpose ... has nothing to do with grandiose goals, lofty achievements, or universal fame. It is the quiet confidence that, even if you never leave ...

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