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Sermon Illustrations about Human Nature

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Find fresh sermon illustrations on Human Nature to help bring your sermon to life.

A.I. in the Garden of Eden

Writing in the Wall Street Journal, best-selling author and Ronald Reagan speechwriter Peggy Noonan thinks back to how promising and exciting the advent ...

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More Americans Are Choosing to Be Alone

The COVID-19 pandemic wreaked havoc on our social lives. Time spent with friends went down. Time spent alone went up. According to the Census Bureau’s ...

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YouTuber Shot in Prank Gone Awry

When Tanner Cook approached Alan Colie in the food court of the Dulles Town Center mall, he was hoping to obtain prank footage for his YouTube channel. ...

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What Is Wrong with the World?

Legend has it that G. K. Chesterton, the famous philosopher/theologian, was asked by a newspaper reporter what was wrong with the world. He skipped over ...

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NFL Star Expresses the Heart of Our Problem

A high-level NFL star (it’s Tom Brady if you want to use his name) recently expressed the essence of works-righteousness that lurks in all our hearts ...

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Man Who Avoids People Loses His Identity

We all know trying to get close to people is difficult. We can get hurt. Sometimes it’s tempting to just withdraw. But that can create even worse ...

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Two Stories Vying for Attention in Our Hearts

Author and pastor Mark Sayers says there are two stories competing for our minds and hearts. The first story is broadcast loudly across pop culture, social ...

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William Shatner Mourns His Trip into Space

In William Shatner’s new book, Boldly Go: Reflections on a Life of Awe and Wonder, the Star Trek actor reflects on his voyage into space on Jeff ...

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Artificial Intelligence May Result in a New Religion

In an article written by Neil McArthur at the University of Manitoba, he said:

We are about to witness the birth of a new kind of religion. In the next ...

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Seniors Can Go Entire Week Without Talking

For most of us, the older we get, the more we slow down physically. But for some, growing old also means slowing down socially—so much to the point ...

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