Sermon Illustrations about Adultery
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Find fresh sermon illustrations on Adultery to help bring your sermon to life.
New Consequence of Online Porn
One of the most devastating repercussions of pervasive online porn use by young men is its distorting effects on relationships. Men are finding that "real ...
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Atheist Philosopher Warns about the Power of Sex
Alain de Botton, an atheist philosopher and the author of Religion for Atheists: A Non-Believer's Guide to the Uses of Religion, made a surprising ...
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The Pain of Marital (and Spiritual) Infidelity
Elizabeth Edwards, the former wife of vice presidential candidate Senator John Edwards, described the agony she experienced when she learned of her husband's ...
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The Damage Appalls Me
The former atheist A.N. Wilson, a famous British essayist, biographer, and journalist, has written a sobering assessment about the damage of the sexual ...
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Eight Harmful Effects of Pornography
After reviewing a number of research studies, a few years ago Men's Health magazine summarized the following eight harmful effects of porn:
1) It is ...
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The Real Message of Unmarried Sex
If you're sleeping with the person you're dating, you're telling each other two things. First, you're telling each other that your relationship ...
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The Deteriorating Standards of Sex on TV
In 1896, a film called The Kiss outraged moral guardians by showing a couple stealing a quick kiss. "Absolutely disgusting," said one critic. ...
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Sexual Immorality Starts with a Battle for Our Mind
In his book Eyes of Integrity, Craig Gross contends that our battle with sexual immorality (and other sins) often begins in the mind. Then he shares the ...
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Businessman Changes a Woman's Life by Refusing Her Sexual Advances
Gary Thomas tells the following story about a friend of his who was on a business trip:
After the sessions an attractive young woman knocked on his hotel ...
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Wendell Berry’s Story about Marital Faithfulness
In his novel Jayber Crow, Wendell Berry tells the story of a gentle barber who opens his shop and then spends the rest of his life in the fictional town ...
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