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Sermon Illustrations about Affliction

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Find fresh sermon illustrations on Affliction to help bring your sermon to life.

Our Hope Hinges on Easter

Rick Warren, the former pastor of Saddleback Church and the author of The Purpose Driven Life, together with his wife, Kay, went through a devastating ...

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Michelangelo Labors to Make His Masterpiece—the Pieta

Michelangelo Buonarroti was born March 6, 1475, in Tuscany, Italy, and became, along with Leonardo da Vinci, the creative force behind the Italian Renaissance ...

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Classic Fairy Tales Highlight the Struggles of Life

Naomi Zacharias writes of her experiences as director of Wellspring International, an advocate for at-risk women and children around the world. She has ...

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Child Learns About Safety at the Zoo

A grandfather took his daughter and the grandchildren to visit the zoo. As they visited the orangutan exhibit the only thing separating us from these ...

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The Value of Affliction

Affliction is both a medicine if we sin, and a preservative that we sin not.

—Richard Hooker, Anglican priest and theologian (1554-1600)

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Sitting with God on the Bathroom Floor

In his book The Pressure's Off, psychologist Larry Crabb uses a story from his childhood to illustrate our need to delight in God through adversity: ...

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The Answer to Suffering Is Personal

The answer to suffering cannot just be an abstract idea, because this isn't an abstract issue; it's a personal issue. It requires a personal response. ...

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Why God Permits What He Hates

God permits what he hates in order to accomplish what he loves.

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Blind to the Suffering World

Poet T.S. Eliot writes:

We have seen the young man mutilated, The torn girl trembling by the millstream. And meanwhile we have gone on living ... We have ...

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The "Why" to Live

When Jewish psychiatrist Victor Frankl was arrested by the Nazis in World War II, he was stripped of everything--property, family, possessions. He had ...

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