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Sermon Illustrations about Bitterness

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Find fresh sermon illustrations on Bitterness to help bring your sermon to life.

Whose Problem?

A minister took a guilt trip in a sermon: "I let the congregation really have it. Their stewardship was dismal, their participation was weak; and ...

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Envying Mozart

Remember the story of Mozart's life told from the perspective of Antonio Salieri. The play and the film were both called Amadeus. Salieri was the ...

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The Power of Envy

Three churches struggled to survive. Then one of the churches called a pastor who was extremely gifted. His sermons were relevant and gripping. His personality ...

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Buried Anger Will Explode

In a 1994 article, "Wars' Lethal Leftovers Threaten Europeans," Associated Press reporter Christopher Burns writes: "The bombs of World ...

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Pressure Points

The intensity of pressure doesn't matter as much as its location. Does it come between you and God, or does it press you closer to him?

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Forgive and Move On

In his book, Lee: The Last Years, Charles Bracelen Flood reports that after the Civil War, Robert E. Lee visited a Kentucky lady who took him to the remains ...

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Phantom Guilt

Amputees often experience some sensation of a phantom limb. Somewhere, locked in their brains, a memory lingers of the nonexistent hand or leg. Invisible ...

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The Beginning of Hatred

He longed to revenge himself on everyone for his own shortcomings. He suddenly recalled how he had once been asked: "Why do you hate so and so, so ...

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Bitter Inheritance

As so many abused children learn, without forgiving those who hurt us, we cannot free ourselves from the grip of history. ... I have a friend whose marriage ...

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