Sermon Illustrations about Children
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Find fresh sermon illustrations on Children to help bring your sermon to life.
Bitter Inheritance
As so many abused children learn, without forgiving those who hurt us, we cannot free ourselves from the grip of history. ... I have a friend whose marriage ...
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A Growing Fetus
My 5-year-old son accompanied me to my ultrasound appointment when I was 11 weeks pregnant. As the technician pointed out the shape of the developing ...
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Parenting: Always a Surprise
Sometimes parenting can be like bungee jumping: you don't know what will happen until you reach the end of your rope!
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Your Lawfully Wedded Pet Peeve
Mrs. Foster, a teacher at my school, had a frustrating day with one of her first-grade boys. "You've been doing irritating things all day today. ...
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"Just Charge It, Silly"
A recent experience showed me just how powerful the trend is toward materialism. My 3-year-old daughter and I were leaving the record store when I noticed ...
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Imperfect Blessings
For years I never felt I measured up to all I thought the Lord wanted me to be, or all I thought I should be. Satan convinced me that since I wasn't ...
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This Side of Heaven
A little girl was taking an evening walk with her father. Wonderingly, she looked up at the stars and exclaimed: "Oh, Daddy, if the wrong side of ...
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Misplaced Values
I once heard of a child who was raising a frightful cry because he had shoved his hand into the opening of a very expensive Chinese vase and then couldn't ...
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