Sermon Illustrations about Church Life
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Find fresh sermon illustrations on Church Life to help bring your sermon to life.
Reese Witherspoon Values Church Attendance
Actress Reese Witherspoon describes the benefit of attending church:
"I was raised going to church every Sunday, and I go to church most Sundays with ...
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Glue, Guts and Gasoline
The church is the glue that keeps us together when we disagree. It is the gasoline that keeps us going during the tough times. It is the guts that enables ...
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Corporate and Personal Faith
Faith is caught. That's the corporate worship part. But faith is also acting on the will of God, and that's the personal part.
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Community in the Bible
The Bible is all about community: from the Garden of Eden to the City at the end.
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Lord of Politics
If Jesus is Lord then he must also be Lord of our politics. That's an unarguable Christian truth--that everybody argues about. ... Too many of us ...
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Welcoming Throughout the Building
Welcoming isn't just something done at the door; it's something everyone does all over the building.
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