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Sermon Illustrations about Communication

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Find fresh sermon illustrations on Communication to help bring your sermon to life.

Acid Test for a Sermon

Here is an acid test for a sermon: Will it hold up if you change the setting from a public to a person-to-person situation? Take away the pulpit, the ...

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Gentle Criticism

When you find it necessary to criticize another's work, these words by John Wanamaker should prove valuable: "Whatever you have to say to people ...

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The Book of Jokes

The pastor's prayer: "And, Father, I ask thee now for a good text to accompany this fantastic joke."

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Technology: Not So "User Friendly"

The first great communications revolution followed the invention of the printing press. The first thing they printed was the Bible. The second communications ...

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Are We Talking Problems or Solutions?

The following story shows how the difference between men's and women's communication styles can lead to misunderstanding in marriage:

Eve had a ...

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Leader's Prayer

Lord, fill my mouth with worthwhile stuff, And nudge me when I've said enough.

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