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Sermon Illustrations about Disunity

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Find fresh sermon illustrations on Disunity to help bring your sermon to life.

Brotherly Strife

Augustus Toplady, who wrote the famous hymn "Rock of Ages," called John Wesley a "tadpole in divinity." Wesley in turn called Toplady ...

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The Top 10 "Last Words in Your Church"

Pastoral lines you may not be around long enough to regret

Sometimes words have to be eaten. Other times, they turn out to have teeth that bite. From an ...

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Humor: If You Want Something Done...

If there had been a committee appointed, Noah's ark would never have been built.

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Health Hazard

Petty people are ugly people. They are people who have lost their vision. They are people who have turned their eyes away from what matters and focused, ...

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Unity and Disunity

Talk about what you believe and you have disunity. Talk about Who you believe in and you have unity.

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