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Sermon Illustrations about Double-mindedness

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Find fresh sermon illustrations on Double-mindedness to help bring your sermon to life.


Let your intentions in the fulfillment of your duties be so pure that you reject from your actions every other object but the Glory of God and the salvation ...

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The "Religious" Bit

Along with much bad thinking that has come down to us from the last four hundred years, goes split living. ... People who live compartmentalized lives ...

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Which Whiskey Are We Talking About?

Barry Lorch in his San Diego Union column recently told of a debate on the floor of the United States Senate about 130 years ago. The issue was whether ...

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Christianity Is Never Lacking

If people haven't truly put their trust in Christ, they may feel they tried Christianity and found it lacking, when they haven't tried it at all. ...

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Two Faces

No man can for any considerable time wear one face to himself and another to the multitude without finally getting bewildered as to which is the true ...

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