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Sermon Illustrations about Empathy

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Find fresh sermon illustrations on Empathy to help bring your sermon to life.

Sharing the Unique in Ourselves

I have found that the very feeling that has seemed to me most private, most personal, and hence most incomprehensible by others, has turned out to be ...

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Winsome Compassion

I read recently of a teaching hospital that found one of its young resident students had a marvelous effect on children. They responded to him with delight. ...

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Novices Need Not Apply

The great illusion of leadership is to think that man can be led out of the desert by someone who has never been there.

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Saying You're Sorry

Women say "I'm sorry" a lot more often than men. Does that mean they're doing more things they have to apologize for? Nope, says Georgetown ...

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Humbled Theology

I propose that theologians write theology from the standpoint of the mother in Bombay (or Pittsburgh) whose child has just starved to death. She would ...

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