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Sermon Illustrations about Evangelist

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Find fresh sermon illustrations on Evangelist to help bring your sermon to life.

The Power of Witnessing

When John Grisham wrote a book called A Time To Kill, it sold just five thousand copies in hard cover. I don't think it was advertised, ever made ...

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Evangelism Essentials

Being an extrovert isn't essential to evangelism--obedience and love are.

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Christians Must Evangelize

In the People's Republic of China, the largest nation in the world and a billion people strong, is what is called the Three-Self Church. That is the state-approved ...

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Crisis as Opportunity

The modern world is said to have made discipleship harder. But it has also made evangelism easier. Today's world is said to be multiplying crises all ...

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You Can't Climb for Others

You cannot pull people uphill who do not want to go; you can only point up.

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The Power of Humble Clothing

Missionaries who dressed like the Chinese suffered a few snags. In the gossipy colonial enclaves of Shanghai and Hong Kong, "going native" caused ...

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Making a Good Impression

When as a young man Robert Morrison had first sailed to China, he was asked, "Do you really expect to make an impression on the idolatry of the great ...

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The Deepest Joy

Surely there can be no deeper joy than that of saving souls.

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When He Preaches, They Come

An evangelist is a person with a special gift and a special calling from the Holy Spirit to announce the good news of the gospel. You're an announcer, ...

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Analogies for Evangelism

Evangelism is like strong horseradish: people praise it with tears in their eyes.

There are other word associations we could make with the concept of evangelism. ...

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