Sermon Illustrations about Fatherhood
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Find fresh sermon illustrations on Fatherhood to help bring your sermon to life.
Taking the Plunge
I had just gone through a series of medical tests. Fearful of the results, I went swimming at the local YMCA to pass the time. There I noticed a father ...
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God the Father
A child is not likely to find a father in God unless he finds something of God in his father.
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Paying the Ultimate Price
Paul Harvey tells a story about Lieutenant Commander Edward Henry "Butch" O'Hare, the Navy's number-one ace in the Second World War ...
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Gentle Discipline
Out of parental concern and a desire to teach our young son responsibility, we require him to phone home when he arrives at his friend's house a few ...
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Where's Mommy?
My six-year-old son seems to demand my attention just when I am most busy around the house. My standard reply has been, "I'm busy right now. ...
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He Walked Away Crushed
Several years ago, my second son, Steve, tried out for the high school football team. One day he walked into my office and proclaimed with great excitement, ...
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Riptide in Alaska
In Man in the Mirror, Patrick Morley tells of a group of fishermen who landed in a secluded bay in Alaska and had a great day fishing for salmon. But ...
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Worried about the Kids
I'm not sure there is any way I could document this, but I suspect that the greatest fear that haunts evangelical parents is that their children will ...
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Built-In Character
There was a family in the San Francisco Bay area that grew up with commitment. The son's name was David Kraft. His father was a pastor, a godly pastor ...
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Savoring the Moment
One blustery weekend I was strolling with my little boy on an Atlantic beach. We were scaling clamshells into the onshore wind and watching them curve ...
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