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Sermon Illustrations about Fellowship with God

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Find fresh sermon illustrations on Fellowship with God to help bring your sermon to life.

Bus Driver Conveys Christ's Love

There was a front-page article in the San Francisco Chronicle about a metro-transit operator named Linda Wilson-Allen. She loves the people who ride her ...

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Trapped in an Elevator, Elderly Nun Turns to Prayer

While staying alone in her convent, an 85-year-old Catholic nun got trapped inside a broken elevator for four nights and three days. She tried pushing ...

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Researchers Find that Multitaskers Perform Poorly

So you think you can multitask? Texting while driving? No problem. Watching television and reading the Bible? No problem. Checking your email while listening ...

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First Time of Communion Changes Woman's Life

In her memoir Take This Bread, author Sara Miles shares how the first time she ever took Communion changed her life forever. She writes:

One early, cloudy ...

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What You Call God Probably Reflects Degree of Closeness

In his book The Christian Atheist, Craig Groeschel offers a litmus test of sorts that might shed a little light on your relationship with God. He writes: ...

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John Ortberg on the Importance of Spiritual Weaning

Stillness is always a prerequisite for receptivity. Telephones and television sets cannot receive messages when they are too filled with static and noise. ...

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Missing the Sustenance of God Because of Self-centeredness

Pastor David Shelley shares a personal story that illustrates well the fact that though we were created to hear the words of God and to respond to them, ...

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Viewing a Friend—and Even God—As an Enemy

In an article for ChristianityToday.com entitled "Our Divine Distortion," Christian songwriter Carolyn Arends shared a personal story that shows ...

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The Importance of Intentionality

Alan Kraft writes in “Good News for Those Trying Harder”:

Not long ago, I read that a person my age should drink 16 glasses of water a day. ...

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How the Internet Creates a "Permanent Puberty of the Mind"

Before Shane Hipps became a Mennonite pastor, he was a former strategic planner in advertising. In both vocations, he has learned a great deal about how ...

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