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Sermon Illustrations about Fornication

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Find fresh sermon illustrations on Fornication to help bring your sermon to life.

The Early Church's Take on Sex

Not a single church father can be found who did not assume that Christians should remain chaste before marriage.

In the early second century, the Roman ...

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Missionary Dating to the Extreme

Journalist Terry Mattingly writes:

Church people have a name for what happens when young believers get romantically involved with unbelievers. They call ...

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Wilt Chamberlain's Wish: One Woman

The late Wilt Chamberlain had great numbers as an NBA star, but the number he will probably be remembered for most is 20,000. That is how many women the ...

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Adjusting Ethical Standards Downward

When I was a teenager, I wasn't a Christian, and I grew up before the sexual revolution. I grew up when it was still considered a matter of ethics ...

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God Always Provides Escape


Our train rolled into Kansas City at 1 a.m. Dim lights came on to help the new passengers find seats. Many of us who had been riding home through ...

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New Terms for Sin

"Sexual preference" may be the least judgmental words ever created. "Sexually active" are two others. One might inquire of a sexually ...

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