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Sermon Illustrations about Fruit of the Spirit

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Find fresh sermon illustrations on Fruit of the Spirit to help bring your sermon to life.

The Cost of Being a Christian

One who trusts in Christ alone [will] completely give up his idols, horoscopes and other such practices of his old life that go against Christ's Lordship. ...

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Branches, Not Vines

Victorious living and effective soul-winning service are not the product of our better selves and hard endeavours, but are simply the fruit of the Holy ...

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Fruit of Obedience

The fruit of the Spirit grows only in the garden of obedience.

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Know Your Strengths

Few of us really know our strengths. The great teachers, and great leaders, recognize strengths and focus on them.

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Freedom and True Goodness

Above all, Christians are not allowed to correct with violence the delinquencies of sins. For it is not those that abstain from wickedness from compulsion, ...

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Mouthful of Bitterness

Ignorance is not bliss! Ignorance is like sneaking that first bite of Hershey's unsweetened chocolate while your mom's out hanging the clothes. ...

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Don't Confuse Work and Fruit

Do not confound work and fruit. There may be a good deal of work for Christ that is not the fruit of the heavenly Vine.

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Feeling Isn't Everything

Ecstasy is no guarantee of orthodoxy or that Christian fruit will result.

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Family Resemblance

The fruits of the Holy Spirit are, it seems to me, largely fruits of sustained interaction with God. Just as a child picks up traits more or less simply ...

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