Sermon Illustrations about Heaven
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Find fresh sermon illustrations on Heaven to help bring your sermon to life.
Through Ticket to Heaven?
I sometimes wonder whether the church needs new members one-half as much as she needs the old bunch made over. Judging by the way multitudes in the church ...
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Desired Attendance
During one service I was complaining to the Lord about the lack of attendance: "Lord, attendance is just not what I'd like it to be." This ...
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Nearing the Shepherd's Fold
Shepherds say that sheep that have spent the summer in the high country and are on their way back to the shepherd's fold anticipate their homecoming. ...
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Taking Children to Heaven
The only thing that parents can take to heaven is their children.
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Another World
An airline captain who flies overseas routes also runs a small filling station near his home. Between trips to Europe and the Middle East, he gets a kick ...
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A Child Stands in Awe
One lovely moonlit night my small granddaughter and I went for a walk. The stars were magnificent. As I named individual stars and constellations, my ...
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God's Garden
God took seeds from different worlds and sowed them on this earth, and His garden grew up and everything came up that could come up. But what grows lives ...
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This Side of Heaven
A little girl was taking an evening walk with her father. Wonderingly, she looked up at the stars and exclaimed: "Oh, Daddy, if the wrong side of ...
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Where's the Awe?
I think the "low" church "milieu" that I grew up in did tend to be too cozily at ease in Zion. My grandfather, I'm told, used ...
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Can't Take It with You
We are afraid that heaven is a bribe, and that if we make it our goal we shall no longer be disinterested. It is not so. Heaven offers nothing that a ...
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