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Sermon Illustrations about Intelligence

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Find fresh sermon illustrations on Intelligence to help bring your sermon to life.

Bertrand Russell: Consequences of Atheism

The futility of a life apart from Jesus Christ is illustrated in the life of Bertrand Russell. Russell was an English Voltaire, Cambridge educated, child ...

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The Intelligence Knob

I wish there was a knob on the TV so you could turn up the intelligence. They have one marked brightness, but it doesn't work, does it?

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In Search of the Thinking Christian

The church can't be blamed for all the ailments of the world. On the other hand, I'm quite willing to concede and insist that the church has unnecessarily ...

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Research on Communication

"Great Sermon, Pastor, I Didn't Understand a Word!"

J. Scott Armstrong, associate professor of marketing at the University of Pennsylvania, ...

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Mistaken Perception

I certainly don't think that the death required that "ye be born again," is the death of reason. ... One of the effects of modern liberal ...

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Good Thinking

The greatest mistake of education has been to assume that intelligent people are automatically good thinkers. High intelligence does not ensure effective ...

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Heart over Mind

I look upon myself as a dull person. I take more time than others in understanding some things. But I do not care. There is a limit to man's progress ...

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