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Sermon Illustrations about Intimacy

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Find fresh sermon illustrations on Intimacy to help bring your sermon to life.

The Shared Pain of Four Runners

Author Devin Kelly developed a close bond with his three friends in college. Sprinting through the cold trails of Van Cortlandt Park in the Bronx, they ...

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Is Your God a Stepford God?

In his book, The Reason for God, Tim Keller writes:

If you don’t trust the Bible enough to let it challenge and correct your thinking, how could ...

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Can Artificial Intelligence Provide Intimacy?

MIT professor Dr. Sherry Turkle tells the following story:

Years ago I spoke with a 16-year-old girl who was considering the idea of having a computer ...

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Lonely Man Asks Pornographer for 'You Are Loved' Video

An episode on the podcast "The Butterfly Effect" tells the story about a couple named Dan and Rhiannon who run a company that provides what's called "bespoke ...

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Friends Make Us Feel Like We Matter

It's no news flash that friends make us happy, but Meliksah Demir, Ph.D., a professor at Northern Arizona University, has drilled down to reveal exactly ...

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'Our Father' Only Possible Through Sonship of Jesus

God is the creator and sustainer and judge of humanity. But the Bible wants us to understand that he is not the Father of everyone. He only becomes our ...

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Students Are Hungry For Relational Bonding

New York Times columnist David Brooks recently (February 2018) went around the country interviewing students at some of the most prestigious campuses ...

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Billionaire Elon Musk's Loneliness

According to a recent (2017) article in Rolling Stone magazine, tech entrepreneur Elon Musk has it all—except love. Musk is one of the only people ...

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Are We Alone in the Dark?

In his latest book, John Ortberg writes about our need to meaningfully connect with others:

In 2015, researchers at the University of California at Berkeley ...

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Companionship Makes Us Feel like We Matter

It's no news flash that friends make us happy, but Meliksah Demir, Ph.D., a professor at Northern Arizona University, has drilled down to reveal exactly ...

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