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Sermon Illustrations about Justification

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Find fresh sermon illustrations on Justification to help bring your sermon to life.

Feeling Clean or Being Clean

In his bookStart with Why, Simon Sinek discusses the importance of motivation in a very interesting section titled “It’s What You Can’t ...

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A Royal Birth Leads to Pardons

When Pricess Lalla Salma gave birth to a daughter named Lalla Khadija, her husband King Mohammed VI of Morocco was delighted. In fact, he wanted to celebrate. ...

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How Long is a Trillion Seconds?

The New York Times published an article explaining large numbers like a million, billion, and trillion. The article was titled “Just how long is ...

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Global Search Finds Blood Donor for Three-Year-Old Cancer Patient

Three-year-old Zainab Mughal, who lives in Florida, requires frequent blood transfusions for cancer treatment. There are over 300 different blood types, ...

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Punishment is the Only Way to Remove Sin

In an article in Christianity Today magazine, Mark Galli notes how, deep down, the idea of punishment for sins actually makes sense to us. It is not arbitrary ...

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Dietrich Bonhoeffer: 'Advent Opens Our Prison Door from the Outside'

While waiting in a Nazi prison cell in 1943 a few weeks before Advent, Dietrich Bonhoeffer wrote a friend, "A prison cell, in which one waits, hopes, ...

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Calvin and Hobbes ask 'How Good is Good Enough?'

Fleming Rutledge writes: Sin is a category without meaning except in reference to God. A Calvin and Hobbes comic strip illustrates this in an endearing ...

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The Gift that Makes You Swallow Your Pride

Timothy Keller writes: Christmas is about receiving presents, but consider how challenging it is to receive certain kinds of gifts. Some gifts by their ...

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Man Attempts to Escape Arrest with Monopoly Playing Card

When playing the game of Monopoly, one of the best cards to have is the famous "Get Out of Jail Free" card—but when you're playing the game of "real ...

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Man Receives $100 Million Utility Bill

Utility bills can cause unwelcome surprises from time to time, but "unwelcome" might be a less sufficient description for one man than "impossible." Kieran ...

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