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Sermon Illustrations about Martyrdom

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Find fresh sermon illustrations on Martyrdom to help bring your sermon to life.

The History of Truth

The example of noble deaths such as the Spartans and others hardly move us, for we do not see what good it is to us. But the example of the deaths of ...

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Commanding Attention

It may take a crucified church to bring a crucified Christ before the eyes of the world.

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Nero (Emperor of Rome 54-68 A.D.)

Nero, a man with light blue eyes, thick neck, protruding stomach, and spindly legs, was a crazed and cruel emperor, a pleasure-driven man who ruled the ...

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Domitian (Emperor of Rome 81-96 A.D.)

The historian Pliny called Domitian the beast from hell who sat in its den, licking blood. In the Book of Revelation, John of the Apocalypse may have ...

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The Paradox of Courage

Courage is almost a contradiction in terms. It means a strong desire to live taking the form of a readiness to die.

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Art and Truth

Samuel Laeuchli argues that "art threatens individuals because it tends to unveil experiences which they have not been able to digest." Put ...

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Martyrdom in the Modern World

It is estimated that more people have been martyred for Christ in the past 50 years than in the church's first 300 years.

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