Sermon Illustrations about Materialism
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Find fresh sermon illustrations on Materialism to help bring your sermon to life.
Dead to Materialism
O Lord, crucifie the world unto me, that though I cannot avoyd to live among the baites and snares of it, yet it may be so truely dead unto me and I unto ...
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Striving for Sanctity
We must strive for sanctity, for holiness, to the point that we show up at Heaven's gates "squeezed out like a lemon." This image is vivid ...
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How Rich We Are
Dear Lord, I have been re-reading the record of the Rich Young Ruler and his obviously wrong choice. But it has set me thinking. No matter how much wealth ...
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Misplaced Values
I once heard of a child who was raising a frightful cry because he had shoved his hand into the opening of a very expensive Chinese vase and then couldn't ...
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