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Sermon Illustrations about Messiah

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Find fresh sermon illustrations on Messiah to help bring your sermon to life.

C.S. Lewis on the Deity of Jesus

I am trying here to prevent anyone saying the really foolish thing that people often say about him: "I'm ready to accept Jesus as a great moral ...

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456 Prearranged Signs for the Messiah

David Greenglass was a World War II traitor. He gave atomic secrets to the Soviet Union and then fled to Mexico after the war. His conspirators arranged ...

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"The Lion King": Honoring Christ's Birth

Disney's animated movie The Lion King, portrays the struggle between good and evil through the adventures of a lion named Simba. Son of the lion king, ...

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Only Jesus Can Fix the World

One Sunday morning, a man woke up around 5 a.m., his wife and children still asleep. Glad to have time to himself, he went downstairs, brewed some coffee, ...

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Jewish Family Finds the Messiah

Stan Telchin, a successful Jewish businessman, felt betrayed when his 21-year-old daughter, Judy, called home from college to say, "I believe Jesus ...

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