Sermon Illustrations about Mother's Day
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Find fresh sermon illustrations on Mother's Day to help bring your sermon to life.
Quick-Change Artist
My friend Dorothy spent several weeks in prayer and special training to lead a Bible discussion group. Finally the big day arrived for the first class. ...
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Parental Responsibility
Renew your hope; love your family. Raise your children, don't abandon them. Cats raise kittens. Dogs raise puppies. Eagles raise their eaglets. Surely ...
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Nothing Like a Baby
A baby is God's opinion that life should go on. A book that does nothing to you is dead. A baby, whether it does anything to you, represents life. ...
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Little Girls Need Mommies
Four-year-old Emily accompanied her mother into a public restroom equipped with handicapped facilities. "What are the bars for?" she asked.
"They're ...
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The Dawn of Routine
There is an old story about a mother who walks in on her six-year-old son and finds him sobbing.
"What's the matter?" she asks.
"I've ...
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A Growing Fetus
My 5-year-old son accompanied me to my ultrasound appointment when I was 11 weeks pregnant. As the technician pointed out the shape of the developing ...
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When Can a Busy Woman Pray?
How does prayer fit into the daily life of the woman who has three children and can be alone only if she locks herself in the bathroom?
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