Sermon Illustrations about Protection
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Luther on the Apostle's Creed
The First Article: Creation
"I believe in God the Father Almighty, Maker of heaven and earth".
What does this mean?
Answer: I believe that God ...
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Spiritual Armor
In The Encourager, Charles Mylander writes: "Sunrise was dawning when Los Angeles motorcycle police officer Bob Vernon saw a red pickup truck speed ...
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Carrying Our Weapon
Prayer is the wall of faith: her arms and missiles against the foe who keeps watch over us on all sides. And, so never we walk unarmed.
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Saved by Skinned Knees
My 2-year-old and I were walking along a busy street when suddenly she broke loose of my grasp and ran ahead of me. I rounded the corner after her, only ...
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Locked up Tight
One night I went into my 8-year-old daughter's bedroom to pray with her before she went to sleep. In the course of her prayer she said, "Jesus, ...
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Work of an Angel
The angels are the dispensers and administrators of the divine beneficence towards us; they regard our safety, undertake our defense, direct our ways, ...
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Faith Is Not Shelter
Faith is not shelter against difficulties, but belief in the face of all contradictions.
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Luther: Expanding Each Petition
In "A Simple Way to Pray" (1535), Martin Luther advises his friend Peter to repeat and elaborate on each petition of the Lord's Prayer. ...
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Extreme Kindness
In Elmer Bendiner's book, The Fall of Fortresses, he describes one bombing run over the German city of Kassel:
Our B-17 ("The Tondelayo") ...
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