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Sermon Illustrations about Providence

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Find fresh sermon illustrations on Providence to help bring your sermon to life.

God Bought Back His Sheep

There's a line in the Old Testament written by Isaiah that tells the result of God's gamble, (Isaiah 53:6): "We all, like sheep, have gone ...

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Locked up Tight

One night I went into my 8-year-old daughter's bedroom to pray with her before she went to sleep. In the course of her prayer she said, "Jesus, ...

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Rule of Faithfulness

To escape the distress caused by regret for the past or fear about the future, this is the rule to follow: leave the past to the infinite mercy of God, ...

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Luther: Expanding Each Petition

In "A Simple Way to Pray" (1535), Martin Luther advises his friend Peter to repeat and elaborate on each petition of the Lord's Prayer. ...

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Everything Good Is from God

Some people are appreciative by nature, but some are not; and it is these latter people who especially need God's power to express thanksgiving. We ...

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Live Joyfully Like Paul

God is no distant deity but a constant reality, a very present help whenever needs occur. So? So live like it. And laugh like it! [The apostle] Paul did. ...

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God of the Details

If only we could get hold of the life-changing fact that there are no little things with God! Your seemingly small trouble is of eternal importance to ...

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