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Sermon Illustrations about Purpose

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Find fresh sermon illustrations on Purpose to help bring your sermon to life.

Retired Japanese Detective Devotes Himself to Helping Suicidal Men and Women

In a 2009 article in Time magazine, writer Coco Masters shared a startling statistic: one in five Japanese men and women have seriously considered taking ...

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On Being Reactors, Not Actors

In our lives in the world, the temptation is always to go where the world takes us, to drift with whatever current happens to be running strongest. When ...

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Luis Palau Receives a Scripture to Stand on

Luis Palau, the Argentine-born international evangelist, describes how God expanded his ministry:

I was organizing campaigns for other evangelists, but ...

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Suffering Man Finds Reason to Live

God created humans to live a life of love. In an article in Fast Company magazine that confirmed this truth that we were made to live for others. The ...

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Life Is a Terrible Thing to Waste

In his book Don't Waste Your Life, John Piper recounts a story his father often told in his days as a fiery Baptist evangelist. It is the story of ...

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The Partnership of Missions and Business in China

In an article for Today's Christian about the rapid growth of the church in China, Rob Moll tells the story of a missionary and businessman called ...

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William Borden: Living with No Regrets

In 1904 William Borden graduated from a Chicago high school. As heir to the Borden Dairy estate, he was already a millionaire. For his high school graduation ...

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Reaching Out to Witches, Warlocks, Satanists, and Vampires

In his book Organic Church, Neil Cole describes a number of missional communities that go where the people are, rather than have the people come to them. ...

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A Boot Camp for Young Missionaries

At Teen Missions, campers give up virtually their entire summer for [a boot camp] on evangelism. They spend two weeks in Merritt Island, Florida, learning ...

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A Willingness to Be Lonely

The unoccupied fields of the world await those who are willing to be lonely for the sake of Christ.

—Samuel Zwemer, U.S. missionary (1867–1952)

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