Sermon Illustrations about Self-Indulgence
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Find fresh sermon illustrations on Self-Indulgence to help bring your sermon to life.
Justifying Your Own Sins
I welcome news of the sins of others because it makes my sins appear more normal. Misery loves company.
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Wasted Talents
You can have certain creaturely talents which are amazing, often. But if they are misdirected, not in praise to the Lord but in praise to oneself, or ...
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No "No" in TV Land
Many of our adolescents and young adults cannot "just say no" to drugs because their whole approach to life has been shaped by television, the ...
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Freedom Gone Wrong
Self-fulfillment soon grows into a quest for self-indulgence with a vocabulary of I, Me, Mine and self-indulgence, in turn, soon becomes unbridled. The ...
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Too Much of a Good Thing
Our souls may receive infinite hurt, and be rendered incapable of all virtue, merely by the use of innocent and lawful things. What is more innocent than ...
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Leaving Our Expectations with the Dog
Beware of the mind-set in looking to see if the church will meet your needs. ... When my family is ready to leave for church, we take certain expectations ...
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Liberty and Justice for Me
The quest for freedom is becoming personal rather than political. It is a quest of self-hood, and its outcome is no better. When self-denial goes out ...
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