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Lee Eclov

Good As Gold

Lee Eclov
Weekly Devotional for Preachers

My Dear Shepherds,

[The Magi] saw the child with his mother Mary, and they bowed down and worshiped him. Then they opened their treasures and presented ...
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Scott M. Gibson

A Prayer for Preaching

Scott M. Gibson
'Pray that I may proclaim it clearly, as I should.'

The Apostle Paul was a great cheerleader for prayer. When reading his letters written to the various churches as found in the New Testament, he regularly ...

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Amy McLaughlin-Sheasby

Preaching Advent in the Yet, but Not Yet

Amy McLaughlin-Sheasby
How to “manage time” in our Advent sermons.

Have you ever felt sad around Christmastime? Have you ever felt guilty for feeling sad around Christmastime? Take it from someone who has dealt with unseasonable ...

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Bryan Marvel

Preaching Through Advent … Again?

Bryan Marvel
How to get ourselves and our hearers excited to hear the Christmas story.

Earlier this summer I sat down to plan out my preaching series for the next school year. It’s one of my favorite things to do. My process is simple. ...

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John E. Johnson

12 Defining Moments: The Moment to Transition

John E. Johnson
Will I recognize when it is time to shift?

Transitions are inevitable. Every ministry, one way or another, comes to an end. I am presently serving in Europe in an interim role—but then, all ...

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