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Lee Eclov

‘With Prayer and Fasting’

Lee Eclov
Weekly Devotional for Preachers

My Dear Shepherds,

The other day a Christian friend I saw at our coffee shop was reading Jeremie Rinne’s little book, Church Elders: How to Shepherd ...

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Paul Hoffman

Planning Our Preaching

Paul Hoffman
How to offer a balanced diet rather than fast food or fads.

A few years ago, I came to a convicting realization: I wanted to (or was it, needed to?) lose a few pounds. So, I started researching diet and exercise ...

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Lee Eclov

‘To Continue in the Faith’

Lee Eclov
Weekly Devotional for Preachers

My Dear Shepherds,

In John Bunyan’s The Pilgrim’s Progress, no sooner does Christian rejoice that “his burden loosed from off his shoulders, ...

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Sean Palmer

Where We Stand

Sean Palmer
This cultural moment needs prophetic and priestly preachers!

Faithful witness requires prophetic voices to speak truth to power and priestly sensitivity. In my ministry career, there has been no other time when ...

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Scott M. Gibson

February Four Loves

Scott M. Gibson
A sermons series idea on love.

February is a perfect time to showcase the different dimensions of the meanings of love. Of course, February features Valentine’s Day on the fourteenth, ...

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