Foundations of Exegesis
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Human Authors, Words of the Spirit, and Preaching Christ
Our hermeneutics and homiletics need to be focused on Christ.
David E. Prince

Chart: Preaching Through the Old Testament
A visual guide to the structure and historical outline of the Old Testament.

Chart: Preaching Through the New Testament
A visual guide to the structure and historical outline of the New Testament.

A Preacher's Temptation: Forgetting or Neglecting Basic Hermeneutical Practices
10 questions that should be in your mind when your Bible is open before your eyes.
Douglas Sean O'Donnell

Preach in Light of the Eschaton
Does your preaching take into account the big picture of the Bible, the grand story of our hope in Christ?
Robert Smith, Jr.

Studying the Old Testament and Finding Jesus
We must learn from the error of the disciples of Moses.
Albert Mohler Jr.

Preaching on Toxic Texts
You need to take your hearers to the 'no-go' areas in the Bible.
Krish Kandiah

Tell the Whole Truth
The benefit of preaching through the redemptive historical narrative.
Charlie Dates

Preaching 360: Use all the Bible's Genres
Why all the Bible's diverse genres need to be in your pulpit. An interview with Bryan Carter
Bryan Carter

Preaching the 'Profitless' Passages
Why I preach the whole Bible, especially the hard parts.
Hershael York

Five Hammer Strokes for Creating Expository Sermon Outlines
Here are the fundamentals to move from a biblical text to a message structure that speaks to today's listeners.
Jeffrey Arthurs

Getting the Gold from the Text
How to capitalize on the inexhaustible riches of Scripture in your preaching without sounding like a Bible commentary.
John Koessler

Handling the Old Testament Faithfully
What the New Testament use of the Old teaches preachers today
Greg Scharf

What Biblical Preaching Is and Isn’t
To answer the question we must turn to theology.
Haddon Robinson

How Much Content Is Enough?
Give as much biblical information as people need to understand the passage, and no more.
Haddon Robinson