Skill Builders
Preaching on Mother's Day
A roundtable discussion with Bri Johns, Susie Gamez, and Alison Gerber.
No seminary class can prepare you to preach on Mother’s Day. Why is it so difficult to preach on this day? There are so many different feelings about this day. For some it is a wonderful time of joy, for others it is painful, and even for others it reminds them of the people they lost.
So to help us navigate this special day, Steve Carter talks with three preachers, Bri Johns, Susie Gamez, and Alison Gerber, about preaching on Mother’s Day.
They walk us through this difficult but beautiful day and give us ways to encourage mothers, as well as all who attend our services on Mother’s Day.
- They give us some tips about how to hold the tension of celebration/honor and sorrow/hardship in our sermons.
- One great reminder, everyone, including the men and children, comes with a desire to be mothered on Mother’s Day.
- The video ends with a fun discussion of what to do and what not to do on Mother’s Day.
We hope this video will ignite some ideas for your Mother’s Day sermon this year and will help you walk the line of celebration and sorrow in your preaching.