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Sermon Illustrations

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Sharing Ministry with Your Family

In rearing their children, the [Luis] Palaus emphasized not only learning about life in other nations, but helping to make a difference. When possible, Pat and the children traveled with Luis on his evangelistic campaigns. "Traveling with your children to the Third World is expensive, but it may be more important to them than tennis lessons," she said.

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Olympic Relay Runners Fail to Pass the Baton

In the 2004 Summer Olympic Games in Athens, Greece, the American women's 4 x 100 relay race was favored to win the gold medal. The team featured Marion Jones, a sprinter who had ...

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U.S. Relay Teams Failed to Pass the Baton

It's the sound no relay runner wants to hear: Ping. Ping. Ping. At the 2008 Beijing Olympics, the United States men's and women's 4x100-meter relay teams dropped batons—and ...

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