Sermon Illustrations
The Real Source of Happiness
Occasionally on the news, they will have an expose of the happiness industry. These are people who, for a fee, of course, will help you be happy. For example, one of them was an ad man who left his advertising business and started something in New England called the Options Institute.
"I would like to be your happiness coach," he says to Maria Shriver. "I can teach people how to be happy. They just have to make a decision not to take on all the crap that the world gives them, and they have to decide to be happy."
Would that it were that easy. Wouldn't that be wonderful? No, we don't manufacture our happiness. We are the people with joy that is God-given. The only reason I'm not a candidate for suicide, the only reason I can put my feet on the floor in the morning, is because God's joy, God's person, God's character is in me. It gives me a reason to face life. I worship him with gladness because I'm his.