Sermon Illustrations
Mike Singletary Making a Difference
Chicago Bears Hall-of-Fame Middle Linebacker Mike Singletary says:
The first thing in my life by far and the reason I do everything is my love for Jesus Christ. Number two is my family—being there for them and making sure I'm not missing time that I can't get back. Number three is my work, speaking to corporations about teamwork, leadership, and cultural diversity and trying to help people come together.
I don't care where I'm at or what I'm doing, the thing I want to do now in my life is make a difference and serve with a capital S. Serve in my home. Serve in my relationship with my wife. And serve my fellow man…. For me, it's a matter of "What am I doing to make a difference? What am I doing except making money." There are a lot of people out there who are hurting.