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A Law That Brings Freedom

In The Mennonite Brethren Herald (2-19-99), Jim Holm writes:

When I was in third grade, I was condemned to live under a law—the law of near-sightedness. My eyes went bad, and today I am considered legally blind.
I am not free. I am in bondage to this law. Do I like it? No, I hate it. But it doesn't matter. There is no escape.
But one day I discovered there was an even greater law that can overcome the law of near-sightedness. It is called the law of corrective lenses, or the law of glasses. I discovered that when I submitted myself to the law of corrective lenses, the law of near-sightedness was overcome. Did it go away? No, it is still there. But it was overpowered by a greater law, which enabled me to see.
Now here is the ironic thing: When I submit to the law of glasses, I become free. That's crazy. You would think if I want to be free, I should throw the glasses away. But I've been there, done that. I know what that is like. That is not freedom. Only by submitting to the law of glasses do I become free.

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