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Sermon Illustrations

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Teamwork Saves a Life

Three thousand frightening feet above the ground, Soviet sport parachutist Yuri Belenko realized he was in trouble. His main chute had malfunctioned, and his reserve chute "barber poled" around the main, rendering them both useless.

Kicking his feet to slow the natural spiral caused by the noisy whipping canopies above, Belenko yelled down to fellow jumpers on the ground. His jump buddies sprang immediately into action, grabbed a packing mat, and sprinted toward the impact point.

All the way down Belenko yelled and tugged furiously at the static lines in a vain attempt to clear the two tangled chutes. Below, his friends stretched the mat taughtÂ…and waited.

Belenko plummeted into the canvas at bone-crushing speed, ripping the tarp from his rescuers' hands, and knocking them to the ground. When the dust cleared, Belenko lay gasping for breath and complaining of a sprained ankle. In addition to the injured leg, he suffered a few bruises.

His jump buddies were there for Belenko at the moment he needed them most.

This is a picture of what God wants people in the body of Christ to do for others in need.

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