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We Were Meant to Live in Little Platoons

When he left Rivendell, Frodo didn't head out with 1,000 Elves. He had eight companions. Jesus didn't march around backed by hundreds of followers, either. He had 12 men—knuckleheads, every last one of them, but they were a band of brothers.

This is the way of the kingdom of God. Though we are part of a great company, we are meant to live in little platoons. The little companies we form must be small enough for each of the members to know one another as friends and allies. Is it possible for 5,000 people who gather for an hour on a Sunday morning to really and truly know each other? Okay, how about 500? One hundred and eight? It can't be done. They can't possibly be intimate allies.

It can be inspiring and encouraging to celebrate with a big ol' crowd of people, but who will fight for your heart?

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