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"Without a Paddle": Finding the Real Treasure

Without a Paddle is the story of three friends, Jerry, Tom, and Dan, who go canoeing in Oregon State. Returning to their childhood hideout, they find a container they had buried years before labeled "D. B. Cooper's Treasure Chest." Cooper had found fame in 1971 by hijacking a plane and parachuting away with $200,000 in ransom. As boys, the three had placed their most valued treasures in the container, pledging to leave them buried until they found Cooper's treasure. Now, as young men, they resolve to continue the search.

Later in the movie, the friends do stumble upon the skeletal remains of D. B. Cooper. They are beside themselves with joy.

"I can't believe we did it," says Dan.

Beside the body is a briefcase, and they quickly inspect the contents.

"This case is empty," Dan says. "The money's gone."

"No," Jerry says, "Look what he's holding." Cooper holds a cigarette lighter, and around him are the charred remains of $20 bills.

Tom picks up a stack of blackened bills and remarks, "He burnt the cash to stay warm."

"He traded every dollar for just a few more hours of life," says Jerry. "So much for the treasure."

Tom replies, "No, that's it—being alive, that's the treasure. Here he is, boys, the great D. B. Cooper and his treasure. And we found it, so we get our most valuable possessions back."

The guys now hold the items they had placed in the container years ago: The Star Wars character C3PO, a Brian Bosworth rookie card, and an Indiana Jones compass. Jerry stares at his Bosworth card for a moment, and then tosses it on the remains of Cooper. Slowly, Tom and Dan follow suit.

Note: End scene immediately to avoid offensive language.

Content: Rated PG-13

Elapsed Time: 01:19:41 to 01:20:45.

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