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Fake Mud: Authenticity in a Can

Many products are designed to imitate the real thing. There is plastic decking that looks like real wood. Vinyl flooring that appears to be ceramic tile. You can purchase fake fur or jewelry, phony noses, hairpieces, and other body parts. The purpose behind all of these items is fairly obvious, but what about a can of Spray-on Mud?

Spray-on Mud is designed for use on the outside of your SUV. That way it appears you use your expensive gas-guzzler for more than taking the kids to soccer practice. Spray it on and friends might think you've just returned from a wilderness adventure.

Sales of the product are going well, particularly in America, and in London where the concept originated. "If they want an authentic look,” says inventor Colin Dowse, “There's not a lot else they can do. There's not a lot of mud in Chelsea." Apparently, $15 a can seems a reasonable price for the appearance of authenticity.

There are many expressions of imitation Christianity that we can try to pass off as the real thing. Good wishes can be mistaken for prayer. Success can be misconstrued as spiritual achievement. Inspirational bumper stickers and symbols can be seen as evangelism. Excellent music can cover for authentic worship of the heart. Humorous or emotional stories can pass for inspired preaching. Christian clichés can be handed out as biblical wisdom. An attractive personality can be mistaken for a Spirit-filled life.

The real thing? Easy. It looks like Jesus!

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