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"What a Wife Wants"

Readers of Country Woman magazine were asked: What gifts would you like from your sweetheart for Valentine's Day? Several of the replies are below:

C.V. of Rapid City, South Dakota, wrote: "Sweetheart? What sweetheart? All I really want is a sweetheart for Valentine's Day!"

Another woman—H.R. from Lethbridge, Alberta—replied: "I don't want anything on Valentine's Day other than the attention, respect, and faithfulness my husband gives me any other day of the year."

L.G. from Columbia, Tennessee, suggested romance: "How about a book of Cupid coupons? I'd be able to redeem them for things like a foot massage, a fun night out, or hugs and kisses when I need them most."

Finally, M.S. from Saint Charles, Illinois, replied: "I'd love to have a day when my husband fixes me breakfast, tells me how terrific I look, picks up his socks, and listens to what I say."

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