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Someone Is Watching

Syndicated New York Times columnist Thomas Friedman, a keen observer of world trends, devoted a recent column to the idea that technology has made everyone a potential paparazzo.

Friedman explains that anyone we encounter could have a cell phone with a camera that could record our actions. If we're rude or misbehave, we could end up on the offended party's blog for the whole world to see. "We're all public figures now," concludes Friedman.

For support, Friedman cites the book How by Dov Seidman. Its thesis: in this world of new and potentially revealing technology, how we live our lives and conduct our businesses has become far more significant than what we do. "We do not live in glass houses (houses have walls); we live on glass microscope slides…visible and exposed to all," writes Seidman.

What a concept—take great care about how you live your life, because someone is watching. This is news to columnists and authors, but it's hardly a revelation to those who believe in a sovereign, all-seeing God.

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