Sermon Illustrations
The Kind of Courage Hollywood Ignores
Mike Erre writes in “When Guys Need God”:
The problem with looking to Hollywood for the image of masculinity (even those true-to-life stories of courage) is that it feeds my desire for glory. Courage isn't only in the big accomplishments. It's in the small acts, too.
When I leave the theater and scratch the car door next to me getting into my car, my decisions about whether or not to leave a note admitting my mistake isn't glorious. Nobody will make a movie about my choice. I can hide if I choose to. But situations like this shape our courage and virtue.
Or imagine leaving the theater and returning home to a wife who is sexually unresponsive. Or perpetually angry. Or domineering. Or unkempt. The temptation to find release and fulfillment elsewhere can be overwhelming. Escape promises what reality can't provide. Our response in that moment can be just as courageous as what we do when we decide to protect a fallen pilot or storm a cockpit.
Courage is visiting our moms and dads and caring for them as they grow older instead of abandoning them to others' care. Courage is integrity in business when no one else sees it, or keeping my promise when I'd rather do anything else. Hollywood doesn't make movies about this true masculine courage.