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A Kind Deed Opens a Door to Share Christ

In the book titled The Unexpected Adventure, co-author Lee Strobel shares a personal story about a kind deed that provided an opportunity to share Christ with a stranger.

I remember flying into Midway Airport in Chicago during a blizzard. An engineer from India was sitting next to me. As we talked, I found out he was planning to take a bus all the way to O'Hare Airport and then have his pregnant wife drive from a distant suburb with his two young children to pick him up.
"Look, I have a car at Midway," I told him. "How about if I give you a lift home?"
He was grateful, and during our drive he asked why I had been willing to go out of my way for him. I tried to explain: "Has anybody ever done something so kind for you that it makes you want to pass a kindness along to someone else?"
He nodded slightly.
"Well, Jesus Christ has done something incredibly kind for me," I said.
As we talked, he began to understand that God's outpouring of grace had motivated me to help him. When we arrived at his house, he thanked me and said, "I'm going to have to do some thinking about all of this."
There is no doubt in my mind: My words about Jesus registered with him because he experienced the love of Jesus through my practical deed of giving him a ride through the storm.

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