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Johnny Depp on Death and Meaning

In an interview with Rolling Stone Johnny Depp magazine said:

I went around for years thinking, "Well, what's it all for? All this stuff that I gotta do, interviews and movies and success or not success or this or that. [But when my daughter was born] it was if a veil was lifted, and things became clearer, and I went, "Oh, I get it now! That's what life is for … " I didn't have a real handle on what life is supposed to mean or be or anything like that. And I still don't. And I'm not sure life is supposed to mean anything at all. But as long as you have the opportunity to breathe, breathe. As long as you have the opportunity to make your kid smile and laugh move it forward … . I think we're here and that's kind of it. Then it's dirt and worms.

When he dies, Depp said it would be cool to have his body "just tossed over a mountain so that people could watch [my body] bounce." "Might as well entertain people,' Depp said.

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