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Rick Warren Shows God's Value to 5,000 Inmates

Rick Warren recalled a time when he was speaking at a prison to an audience of approximately 5,000 inmates:

Nobody was paying attention except a couple of hundred people right up front. I was standing on the ground with no stage, just a microphone, but the microphone could be heard through the entire yard. I pulled out a $50 bill, held it up, and said, "How many of you would like this $50 bill?" Five thousand hands went up. I had everybody's attention. Then I crumpled it in my hands, tore it a bit, and said, "How many of you would still like this $50 bill?" Five thousand hands went up. [Then] I spat on the $50 bill, threw it on the ground, stomped it into the dirt, held it up, and said, "How many of you would like it now?" Five thousand hands went up.
Then I said, "Now for many of you, this is what your father did to you. You've been mistreated. You are abused. You are misused. You were told that you wouldn't amount to anything. You've done a lot of dumb things to. You sinned. You've done some crimes, and you're paying for them. You've been beaten. You've been torn. You've been dirty, but you have not lost one cent of your value to God."

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