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So Time Is Not Money After All

Don't you love that feeling when your to-do list and inbox are empty? You're ready to kick back and relish in your time-management competence. Oops, but now apparently there's a downside to your empty inbox: it dries up your creativity. Tony Crabbe argues in Quartz that tech-fueled time management is only making our lives worse. Crabbe says, "Time management, we believe, is the solution to our busyness: if we could organize our time better, we'd be less overwhelmed, happier, and more effective. We are completely wrong on all three counts, and it's damaging our lives and our careers."

If time management is not the answer to our busyness, then what is? Stop focusing on time and focus on thinking, creativity, and problem-solving. Crabbe says, "It's time to develop a different strategy—one that starts from the recognition that, in our overloaded world, the greatest shortage is not time, but attention. Put another way; time is no longer money."

Possible Preaching Angle:

As Christians it doesn't stop there, it matters who we give our attention to. Are we focusing our attention on ourselves or on Christ?

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