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Binge Reading Disorder

How much do you read on an average day? Recent research by Lifehack says that "an average social media user 'reads' 285 pieces of content daily, an estimated 54,000 words. If it is true, then we are reading a novel slightly longer than The Great Gatsby every day."

Nikkitha Bakshani, in The Morning News, takes a look at what she calls Binge Reading Disorder. Bakshani's estimate of the words we read every day is almost twice that of Lifehack's research. Bakshani says, "The typical American consumes more than 100,000 words a day, and remembers none of them. When everybody's reading, but nobody's smarter, what value has the word?" Do you remember the last thing you read?


Nikkitha Bakshani, “Binge Reading Disorder,” TheMorningNews.org (Accessed 10/26/20)

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