Sermon Illustrations
Woman Receives 1000 Percent Tip
A suburban Chicago woman was left stunned over the summer when one of her patrons left a combined tip of over 1,000%. Nicole Thompson, a teacher who worked a second job as a bartender to help pay the bills, received two separate tips by the same person - one for $500, and a second for $1,000. "I said, 'I can't take this,' and he said, 'Yes, you can," she related. The generous man, the boss of a friend of Thompson's, simply said he had heard that she worked two jobs and thought she deserved it. "The rest of the day I felt like different," said Thompson, "like, what just happened here. I never anticipated that." The owner of the restaurant publicly thanked the man, saying, "Although I have never met you - your act of kindness is inspiring." The surprising generosity of one man has made national news, and has likely impacted one woman's life significantly. Perhaps a good question to be asked, then, is why we don't hear more news stories about the overwhelming generosity of Christians?